Question Title

* 1. For each of the statements below, please tick the box which best reflects your views in relation to your child's school.

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
Overall I am satisfied with the school
My child likes this school
My child was helped to settle in well when he or she started at the school
My child is making good progress at school
Pupils behave well in school
The teaching is good
Staff expect my child to work hard and do his or her best
The homework that is given builds well on what my child learns in school
Staff treat all children fairly and with respect
My child is encouraged to be healthy and to take regular exercise
My child is safe at school
My child receives appropriate additional support in relation to any particular individual needs
I am kept well informed about my child’s progress
I feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions, suggestions or a problem
I understand the school’s procedure for dealing with complaints
The school helps my child to become more mature and take on responsibility
My child is well prepared for moving on to the next school or college or into employment
There is a good range of activities including trips or visits
The school is well run

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* 2. Please provide any additional views or comments in the space provided below:

Question Title

* 3. How many children do you have in the school?

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* 4. Your name (just write 'N/A' if you wish to remain anonymous)