Hi there! We are a group of engineering students from Queen's University who are seeing to improve the safety of chainsaws, and we need your help.

We need to understand the current opinions among chainsaw users with regards to safety, as well as any stories of past close calls with chainsaws in order to inform our research.

Thank you very much for taking the time to help us out!

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* 1. How experienced are you with using a chainsaw?

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* 2. How safe do you currently feel while using a chainsaw with current safety equipment?

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* 3. If relevant, could you tell us of any close calls/accidents you have had in the past whilst using a chainsaw?

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* 4. How willing are you to pay extra to purchase/rent a chainsaw with extra safety features proven to reduce risk of injury?

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* 5. Do you have any other comments which you feel may assist us in improving chainsaw safety?