Question Title

* 1. I have a child / children in:
If you have more than one child at the school then you may complete separate questionnaires for each child if you wish

Question Title

* 2. Please read the following statements and tick the answer which best fits what you think about the way the school has handled lock down during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  Strongly Agree Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree
Learning has been engaging, accessible, organised and appropriate for my child.
Learning has been broad and balanced with full curriculum coverage.
Communication and feedback from staff has supported, motivated and enhanced learning.
My child's well-being has been looked after.
My child has felt connected to the school.
The school has communicated well prior to and during lock down.
My concerns and opinions have been listened to and I have been supported.
I have a clear understanding of the safety measures in place and have confidence in the leadership and management to keep my child as safe as possible.
My child has felt safe and happy to be back in school.

Question Title

* 3. Any other comments? 
Please add any further views you'd like to share with the school. If you would like the school to contact you about anything contained in this survey then please also leave your name here.