Bressingham and Fersfield Parish Council Emergency Plan enables you to provide support and practical help to others in our community, in an emergency*. 
The Plan is led by Karl Trainier and emergency responses will be coordinated by Plan Coordinators in Bressingham and Fersfield.

* The Plan is to provide a rapid response to local people needing help urgently.
It does not replace the emergency services, local medical and health services or community and public care and support organisations.

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* 1. Do you have any of the following skills or resources that you are prepared to offer others in need of help, and as part of the emergency response. (Select any / all that apply).

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* 2. Do you have any of the following resources that you are wiling to operate as part of an emergency response? (Tick any / all that apply).

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* 3. I am also prepared to help others  in an emergency by

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* 4. I agree to my name and contact details being added to Bressingham and Fersfield Emergency Plan's list of volunteers. I understand that the contact details I provide will be held securely, under GDPR legislation, and that I can remove them at any time by contacting the Plan's leader, either of the coordinators or the Clerk of Bressingham and Fersfield Parish Council.