Sign-Up Form

Thank you for accepting our invitation to the Social Housing Charitable Golf Society! 

This years event will be on the 23rd January 2023, just one day before the NHMF Conference in Stratford-upon-Avon. 

This promises to be a very laidback and fun golf society. There is no pressure to be any good.

Any society proceeds will be given to our chosen charity, linked with Peabody.

Please fill in the below details to register for the Social Housing Golf Society's event; on the 23rd January at The Welcombe Golf Club in Warwickshire.

This will be a team Texas Scramble competition, with additional prizes for longest drive, nearest the pin, and the most coveted: wooden spoon! 

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Format of the day:

• Arrivals are from 9:30am for coffee and bacon rolls
• Golf teams will start at 10:32 am with intervals between groups.
• £75 per person, £250 per 4 ball 
• 18 holes, nearest the pin and longest drive
• A light buffet lunch of sandwiches and chips will be served circa 4:00pm
• Prizes and Presentations

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* 1. Your Details

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* 2. Billing Details

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* 3. Do you need to add any more players?