by UCL Academic Careers Office (ACO)

Please take a few moments to answer the following questions and register to join ADAPT Together. The scheme will support peer mentoring groups, provide you with an opportunity to network with your colleagues and get support in dealing with challenges around building a career in research.

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* 1. First name

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* 2. Surname

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* 3. Email

Please note that we will have to share your email with the respective group leader and/or administrators so you can receive information about your meetings.

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* 4. Are you clinically qualified?

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* 5. What's your research area?

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* 6. What's your Department, Division or Institute? At UCL these are equivalent units and we ask you to provide one name only.

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* 7. Would you like to lead a peer group? The Academic Careers Office will provide training and support to all group leaders.

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* 8. Please use this space for any additional comments you may have:

Thank you for filling out the survey. We will be in touch about next steps soon.

For further information about the ACO and other opportunities, visit