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* 1. Do you think Tower Hamlets roads are safer since the introduction of the 20 mph speed limit last April? Choose one

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* 2. Do you think people are driving more slowly since the change in the speed limit? Choose one

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* 3. What do you think has happened to driver behaviour since the speed change i.e. how do they drive? Choose one

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* 4. Do you think there has been more or less overtaking on the roads then before the introduction of the speed limit change? Choose one

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* 5. How do you use the roads? choose all that apply

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* 6. If you are a car or van driver why do you use your vehicle; choose all that apply

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* 8. Tower Hamlets Council say that speeds increased on Manchester Road and propose to narrow the road by installing cycle lanes in order to slow down traffic. What do you think about this idea? Choose one option

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* 9. Who do you think should make the decision on whether to end, amend or make permanent the 20mph speed limit ban? Pick one choice

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* 11. Do you support the police spending more time enforcing the speed limit?

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* 12. Can you provide the postcode of where you live so that we can validate whether you live in Tower Hamlets or not

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* 13. Do you want to add any comments?

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* 14. What is your age? we need this otherwise the Council won't accept the results of the survey

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* 15. What is your sex?