Question Title

* 1. Please rank the following statements.

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
My child is happy and enjoys being at The Heath
My child feels safe in school
My child is making good progress at The Heath
The Heath ensures my child is well looked after and meets the needs of my child
My child is taught well at the Heath
My child regularly receives appropriate homework
There is a good standard of behaviour at The Heath
The Heath has helped my child to develop skills in communication, reading, writing and mathematics
The Heath deals with any cases of bullying effectively (bullying-including persistent name calling, cyber, racist and homophobic bullying)
The Heath School is well led and managed
This school always responds well to my concerns
The Heath helps me to support my child's learning and I always receive valuable information about my child's progress
I would recommend the Heath to another parent
The progress update sent prior to parents evening was clear and helped me to understand my child’s progress
Parents evening was well organised prior to the evening and on the evening
The meetings with teachers were helpful and informative
The Heath school deals effectively with unacceptable behaviour
My child's books are regularly marked and they receive feedback on how to improve
There are a good range of extracurricular activities that my child finds interesting and enjoyable
There are a good range of revision sessions for my child to attend and they find them useful

Question Title

* 2. In their remaining time at The Heath School is there anything else we can do to support your child's learning and progress? (please include your child's name and details)

Question Title

* 3. If you want to explain any of your answers or if there is anything else you want us to know  please tell us here leaving your name, student’s name and contact details.