Hi, I'm Tori a disabled Master's student, would you be interested in helping me complete my research?
I’m currently reading Criminology, Sexualities and Genders at University of Greenwich.

My aim is to explore people who are physically disabled (impairments that significantly impact physical performance and daily life activities, ScienceDirect, 2020) understanding of sexual consent.
There is little to no research surrounding people with physical disabilities and our experience of sexuality and sexual consent. I aim to shed light on our experiences through this piece of research, to ensure all our needs are made visible.

The research will be conducted through one on one voice or video call interviews with myself, in which we will have unlimited time to talk about you, your disability and your personal understanding of sexual consent.

If you choose to take part, you will be given a pseudonym to ensure your confidentiality and you will have the option to opt out of the research at any time.

If you feel you would like to take part, please follow this link and fill out this short survey. This is just so I have your contact information to organise an interview time with you. All information given will be securely stored and destroyed when finished.

If you have any questions my email is vn1536j@gre.ac.uk

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* 1. Are you interested in taking part?

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* 2. Do you have physical disability? Which is defined as impairments that significantly impact physical performance and daily life activities (ScienceDirect, 2020).

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* 3. Do you have time to spare?

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* 4. Do you feel comfortable sharing your story with me?

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* 5. Are you comfortable talking about topics of a sexual nature with me?

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* 6. Would you like more information? - Ask me as question

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* 7. Are you willing and able to take part in this research?

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* 8. Please leave your name and an email address so that I can get in contact with you

Thank you for taking the survey, if you have indicated that you would like to take part I will be in contact with you via the email you have provided shortly. Many thanks Tori