TMBSS Employer Work Experience Feedback Form

TMBSS use this feedback form, in order to improve pupils experiences of the workplace and to understand what further support we can offer employers in the future.

We would also like to take this time to thank you for allowing our pupil(s) a work experience placement and for taking the time to support them in your area of work.
1.What is the name of your provision?
2.Reliability - The student can be relied on to follow instructions and
complete tasks and if they need help, they ask.
3.Personal Presentation - The student understands the importance of dress code, and dresses appropriately for work.
4.Working with Supervisors - The student has good working relationships
with supervisors and is happy to follow instructions.
5.Resilience - The student has high levels of resilience and makes sure they
complete a task
6.Quality of Work - The student's standard of work is to the level expected
or exceeds it.
7.Would you consider having another TMBSS student to complete work experience in the future?
8.What did the pupil do well during the placement?
9.If any, what parts of the work experience could have been better?