Tadcrafters/TadGrafters Volunteers Survey January 2023

1.What is your relationship to Tadcrafters (or TadGrafters)?
2.What is your relationship to Tadcrafters (or TadGrafters)?
3.Where do you live?
4.Tell us about yourself (tick 2 that apply)
5.Do you consider yourself (tick all that apply)
6.How often do you attend Tadcrafters/TadGrafters sessions? (tick all that apply)
7.How much time to you give to Tadcrafters? (tick all that apply)
8.What appeals to you about Tadcrafters? (tick all that apply)
9.How has Tadcrafters benefitted you? (tick all that apply).  Please use the "other" box to give us a quote on what Tadcrafters means to you.
10.What would you like to see from Tadcrafters in the future?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered