
Dear Participants, 

Thank you very much for taking part in the pilot study. The eNutrition Academy (eNA) founders and partners are the African Nutrition Society (ANS), American Society for Nutrition (ASN), Federation of African Nutrition Societies (FANUS), the International Union of Nutrition Sciences (IUNS) and the Nutrition Society of the United Kingdom and Ireland (NS). The eNA was launched at the 6th African Nutrition Epidemiological Conference (ANEC VI) in Ghana, in July 2014, and plans to extend its reach to other parts of the world in the next few years. 

Our first course is titled "Assessment of Dietary Intake for Individuals". We will value your feedback and comments in evaluating how effective this course is for learning in the assessment of dietary intake. We also request feedback on the use of the materials through the e-learning platform. 

Please take 5-10 minutes to answer the post training evaluation questionnaire. The information you provide will be used to inform the development of future online eNA courses and will be collected anonymously. 

Yours faithfully, 

Course Writers, 
Prof Basma Ellahi & Dr Reginald Annan
eNA Academic Board Members 

Question Title

* 1. About you

Question Title

* 2. On a scale of 1-5 where 1 is difficult and 5 is very easy please rate your opinion on the following questions. 

Evaluation of Course Content 

  1 (Very Difficult)  2 3 4 5 (Very Easy)
How effective is the course in understanding systems approach to dietary assessment?
How effective is the course identifying quantitative methods of dietary assessment?
How well did you learn to apply qualitative and semi-qualitative methods
How much did you learn to recognise sources of uncertainty in true usual intakes?
How well can you identify and overcome measurement errors after learning the course?
How well do you understand principles of validity and reproducibility in dietary intake assessment?
How well did you learn about the latest technical improvements in food composition measurements?

Question Title

* 3. On a scale of 1-5 where 1 is very difficult/not at all/poor and 5 is very easy/very much/excellent, please rate your opinion on the following questions. 

Evaluation of Course Format 

  1 (Very difficult, not at all, poor)  2 3 4 5 (Very Easy, very much, excellent)
How easy is the Assessment of Dietary Intake for Individuals course?
How much did you enjoy learning with the course?
How much do you think you learnt from the course?
How much did the visualisation assist with your understanding of the topic concepts?
How interactive do you think the course is?
How much did the examples presented help your learning of the topic?
How much did the reflective questions and being able to revise your answers to the questions help your learning of the topic?
How much would you like to have courses on other topics presented in this style?
How much would you like to have courses presented in this format?

Question Title

* 4. Do you feel your educational experience benefitted from using the course?

Question Title

* 5. Please list 3 things you liked most or found helpful about the course eLearning material

Question Title

* 6. Please list 3 things you liked least or found unhelpful about the course eLearning material

Question Title

* 7. Please suggest how we can improve this course to support your learning needs?

Question Title

* 8. Please add any other comments you may have

Question Title

* 9. For each statement, from strongly agree to strongly disagree please indicate your opinion using the ratings provided

  Strongly Agree Agree  Neither agree nor disagree  Disagree  Strongly Disagree 
The course was too easy
I found the conversational tone used for the contents engaging
I felt in control of my learning 
The course has increased my interest in the topic area
The course made me realise how important it is to assess dietary intake
The course helped me to understand the optic better 
I found the introduction activities engaging 
The accompanying graphics and videos enhanced my understanding of the contents 
I can apply the knowledge I have gained in my day-to-day work 
I would like to use the course again later
I would like to have more materials like this course available for my training in other topic areas
I would like to encourage and recommend my colleagues to use this course