Trade Waste Survey

Every business produces waste, and it costs money to manage it. Searching the market for a good deal is time spent away from focussing on your customers.

York BID is considering how it can help. We’re exploring how we can use the collective buying power of York’s businesses to secure a low cost, high quality waste service for all our levy payers. We would run an open, competitive tender process to pick the waste management company that best meets businesses’ needs. 

Before we begin discussing this service with waste collection companies, we would like to know more about your current commercial waste collection and your interest in taking up a new service. This survey should only take 5 – 10 minutes, and will be used directly to inform our discussions, so your participation is greatly appreciated.

Please answer all of the following questions. For information, the term ‘recycling’ means any materials you separate for recycling, and ‘black bag waste’ means general waste taken for disposal.