NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group is responsible for planning healthcare services in Sheffield.

One of our main focuses at the moment is to make sure that GP practices remain open so people can still access healthcare during this coronavirus outbreak. If you need medical help, the NHS is still here for you. This means that sometimes we have had to make changes to the way that people receive NHS services but we know that this may not always be easy for everyone. We have been reaching out to communities to understand how they have been impacted by these changes to NHS services and the current situation we are all in.

We want to be able to understand how our communities are coping with current events and if there's anything more you think the local NHS could be doing to look after our communities in Sheffield. We will share this insight with our key decision makers so we can be sure that we are making the best decisions. Please share any information you have.

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1. Do you feel that you, or your community, have been impacted more than others by the coronavirus pandemic?

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2. How have you, or your community, been impacted?

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3. Which community has been affected by the impacts you have mentioned above?

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4. How could the local NHS support communities to cope better with the impact that coronavirus is having on them?

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5. Please tell us anything else that you would like to share.

If you would like to discuss anything that you have shared with us, please contact us at sheccg.engagementactivity@nhs.net