Improving our Patient Service

We want to know about your experience when you spoke to our receptionist on the phone or at reception to ask for an appointment.  This will help us to consider how to improve our service to you.

This questionnaire does not cover the Automated Booking Service.

Question Title

* 1. If you telephoned the surgery or came in to the reception to book an appointment, were you asking for an appointment for the same day?

Question Title

* 2. If YES, did you want this appointment because it was  URGENT?

Question Title

* 3. Did you tell the receptionist it was urgent?

Question Title

* 4. When you spoke to the Receptionist:

  Yes No
Were you given an appointment on that day
or offered an alternative appointment on another day
or offered a telephone consultation

Question Title

* 5. If you asked for an appointment for the same day but it was not urgent, was it:

Question Title

* 6. If you telephoned and spoke to a receptionist (not the automated telephone booking system) - how would you rate:

  No experience Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
The greeting you were given when the phone was answered
How long you have to wait to see the doctor or nurse
The convenience of day and time of your appointment
How the receptionist listened to your request
How helpful the Receptionist was

Question Title

* 7. If you visited the surgery and spoke to a receptionist - how would you rate:

  No experience Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
The length of time you had to wait to speak to the Receptionist
How the Receptionist greeted you
How at ease the Receptionist made you feel
How helpful the Receptionist was
The information provided by the Receptionist

Question Title

* 8. And Finally..................

  No experience Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
What is your overall satisfaction with the Reception Team
The information in questions 9 - 12 will only be used to inform us of the range of patients who use our GP Practice; you cannot be identified from this data but it may help us to plan our services.

Question Title

* 9. Ethnic Origin

  White - British White  - other Black - Caribbean Black - African Black - Other Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese
Ethnic Origin

Question Title

* 10. Age

  Under 19 19 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 -60 Over 60
Please indicate your age group

Question Title

* 11. Gender

  Male Female
Please indicate your gender

Question Title

* 12. How many years have you been registered with this doctor?

  0-1 1-10 10 -20 Lifetime