Wiveliscombe and the Hills church/community survey

1.The Benefice church wardens thank you for taking the time to answer this survey. Please indicate whether you are a member of the local church or writing solely as a member of the local community.
2.Which parish do you worship or live in?
3.Our rector, the Rev Martin Walker, has been with us since September 2018 and has supported us through the Covid pandemic. We will wish to thank him formally and make sure that everyone’s appreciation is given when he retires on 2nd February 2024. How do you feel that Martin has been a blessing during his time in Wiveliscombe and the Hills?
4.Moving forward, we need to advertise for a new rector. As part of this we need to assess the strengths of the local church/benefice and the challenges we face as well as consider what we are looking for in a new rector. What do you consider to be the strengths of your local church?
5.What would make the church even better in the future?
6.What skills and qualities would you like to see in our new rector?