Does the intervention work?

We are interested in whether you think the intervention you have just seen in the video will work for you. There are no right or wrong answers. Please answer honestly. We are looking at group responses and data is treated as confidential.

Question Title

* 1. How effective do you think this intervention will be?

  Strongly Disagree Moderately Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly Agree Moderately Agree Strongly Agree
This intervention seen in the video will be completely effective.
I am worried about this intervention just seen in the video
I will be much better after following this intervention I have just viewed
I have fears about using this intervention
I have total confidence in this intervention
I am nervous about this intervention

Question Title

* 2. What film did you watch?

Question Title

* 3. What is you age?

Question Title

* 4. What sex are you?

Question Title

* 5. Very last bit...
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If you provide us with you email, we will invite you to a free workshop on sport psychology and sport performance as way of saying thank-you.