Working with you to improve breast services

Patient survey

What is the survey about?

This survey is about your most recent appointment at the Breast Services Clinic at University Hospital of North Tees NHS hospital.

Completing the questionnaire

For most questions, please tick clearly inside one box. For some questions you will be instructed that you may tick more than one box. Sometimes you will find the box you have ticked has an instruction to go to another question. By following the instructions carefully you will miss out questions that do not apply to you. Don't worry if you make a mistake; simply cross out the mistake and put a tick in the correct box.

Please do not write your name or address anywhere on the questionnaire unless you want us to keep you informed about the engagement, if so, there is a section at the end of the survey for you to complete.

Questions or help?

If you have any questions, please call the helpline number given in the letter enclosed with this questionnaire.

Please note all surveys need to be complete by Thursday 30th April 2020. We will not be able to accept any surveys completed after this date.

Taking part in this survey is voluntary. Your answers will be treated in confidence.