Treasuring Perry Wood

The Mid Kent Downs Countryside Partnership proposes to develop an Awards for All funding bid for greater community engagement with Perry Wood.  Since the Discover Perry wood Heritage Lottery Funded project there have only been occasional events and opportunities for community involvement at the site.  This proposal aims to develop opportunities for activities ranging from wildlife monitoring and blogging to organising events  and undertaking training and volunteering.  We also hope to look into a possible 'Logs for Labour' scheme.  

At this stage we’d like to gauge interest in these ideas and to make sure that the bid reflects what is really needed and wanted by interested parties.  Please would you take a moment to indicate your interest by answering the questions below?

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* 1. Please indicate how interested you'd be in coming along to events such as bird walks and fungi forays

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* 2. Please indicated how interested you'd be in coming along to or taking part in a Wood Fayre showcasing woodland crafts

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* 3. Please indicate how interested you'd be in helping to organise events and activities in the wood

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* 4. Please indicate how interested you'd be in undertaking training to become a Tree Warden (or Pond Warden)

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* 5. Please indicate how interested you'd be in undertaking training to develop a wildlife specialism and carry out wildlife monitoring in the wood

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* 6. Please indicate how interested you'd be in undertaking training in woodland management and crafts, eg. coppicing, splitting, furniture making, carving

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* 7. Please indicate how interested you'd be in forming part of a volunteer group carrying out work parties in the woods (possibly in exchange for logs) - tasks such as litter picking, thinning of small stems, heather layering, clearing around public rights of way, maintaining wood-carved features and temporary notices

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* 8. Please indicated how interested you'd be in contributing to the Perry Wood website or adding a Perry Wood Wildlife online blog

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* 9. Please indicate how interested you'd be in continuing historical research in the area, significance of the Earthwork etc.

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* 10. Please indicate how interested you'd be in other events such as Healthy Walks, art trails

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* 11. Please use this space to make comments or give us any other ideas you might have!

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* 12. If you'd like to be kept updated please leave your email address or other contact details here.  These will be used solely to keep you updated about Perry Wood and will not be passed on