
Mountaineering Scotland is seeking the views of BMC members on Scottish mountain landscape, conservation and access matters - what are your concerns, hopes and priorities for Scotland's hills and crags?

Many BMC members enjoy exploring Scotland for hillwalking, climbing and mountaineering each year and the BMC makes a financial contribution to support Mountaineering Scotland's campaign work on access and landscape matters north of the Border. For both these reasons, we would value the views of BMC members on this vital area of our work.

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When Mountaineering Scotland asked our members why they supported the organisation in 2016, campaigning on landscape matters was the single biggest reason, with 90% of the members who responded describing it as important (60% gave it high importance).

Back in 2015 we launched a campaigning vision 'Respecting Scotland's Mountains', which was informed by a previous survey of members' and clubs' views. In light of changes in the external world, a 10% growth in membership since then and feedback on recent campaign activity, we now think it is time to canvas  opinions on conservation and landscape matters again to shape our future policy priorities.

While we do not claim to rival Scotland’s conservation bodies or landowners in technical expertise, we want to reflect the significance mountaineers place on mountain landscape and nature conservation matters by setting out our position and actions on the key themes necessary to safeguard, and indeed improve, these cherished spaces. Finally we will identify how we, as a campaigning organisation with a passionate membership and a range of partners, can achieve our vision.

>>> So please read on and give us your perspective on the matters on which you think we should take a stand on behalf of Scotland's mountaineering community. Where should we dedicate our staff and volunteer resources? How should we continue to involve you and mobilise your support?

Many thanks
Mike Watson (President) and David Gibson (CEO)
Mountaineering Scotland