Introduction and general information

This survey aims to help the International Bar Association (IBA) gain understanding and evidence of:
  •  the main challenges children face with regard to access to justice;
  •  the strategies and solutions employed across jurisdictions to address these challenges; and
  •  the extent to which good practices have been transferred across jurisdictions to inform access to justice in practice.
The IBA will use it to develop best-practice resources for lawyers, governments and NGOs working in justice sectors around the world.

The survey has 30 questions and we estimate it will take about 30-40 minutes to be completed. You will be able to re-enter the survey to update your responses, though you must do so from the same computer. Responses should be sent by 30 June 2016 (extended until 15 July 2016)

Throughout the survey, you will be asked if you have examples of programmes that have been successful in improving access to justice in the different instances where children come into contact with the justice system. We would be grateful if you could please think in advance about such programmes as these will be useful for the research findings. It would be very helpful if you are able to provide links to websites with further information.

The survey is anonymous. No respondent will be identified by name or context in the project report. However, at the end you will be offered the opportunity to provide your details if you are happy for the project team to contact you by e-mail.

The survey is being conducted for the IBA by the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law.

Thank you for your participation.

Lucy Scott-Moncrieff and Axel Filges

IBA Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee