Ophthalmic Contractor COVID-19 Practice Assurance

Dear Contractor

As primary care optometry enters a new phase in Northern Ireland, it is important that services continue to be safe, effective and innovative. The following guiding principles form the basis of the Health and Social Care Board’s approach to service provision and oversight both in the short term, while preparing for and implementing resumption of services, and in the longer term. A substantial number of detailed guidance documents have been made available to optometrists during the COVID-19 pandemic from a wide range of sources and links to some of these are provided. The seven guiding principles noted in this Contractor return are recommended as context when considering guidance you review and implement in providing services.

As a contractor you are asked to consider these principles and the supporting guidance (HSCB and other) in the context of providing assurance to the Health and Social Care Board in respect of service provision in your practice.

Please read and action this COVID-19 Practice Assurance return by Monday 29th June 2020

Thank you for your ongoing support and for your provision of Ophthalmic services.  

Ophthalmic Services, Health and Social Care Board
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20% of survey complete.