Your views about the Borough Diary

Tell us what you think about Borough Diary. We want to make sure residents get the information about the council and the community they want to hear. All information that you provide will remain confidential. Anonymised data will be used to inform the development of council services. Your views are important to us. 

Question Title

* We print Borough Diary four times a year and deliver it door to door. Would you prefer to get Borough Diary:

Question Title

* Please tell us what you like most in Borough Diary by ranking these in order (1 - being like the most, 5 - like the least):
(Please note this question is about general news and information, we will continue to send information specific to you – for example information about your council tax – direct to you)

  1 - Like most 2 3 4 5 - Like the least
News about the council, such as the services it provides and the decisions it takes
News about the community
Stories about plans and projects to improve the towns and places of the borough
Local events and activities
Longer, more in depth stories about local people, places and services

Question Title

* Is there any information not currently included which you feel would make the Borough Diary more useful or interesting?

Question Title

* The Borough Diary is usually a 16-page newspaper. Would you be most likely to read the Borough Diary if it: