The British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) has recently published a standard for the Design and Delivery of Assessment Centres to help improve the quality of assessment centres being designed and run by organisations. The standard is freely available from the DOP website.

We now want to gauge whether there is interest amongst those who commission and/or deliver Assessment Centres in accreditation against the standard.

Similar to the accreditation of tests and test users by the BPS, or the accreditation of staff management procedures through Investors in People, there might be accreditation of competence for assessors, exercises, designers, etc. of the Assessment Centre processes run by an organisation.

We are interested in your views as someone who is involved in commissioning, designing, facilitating or being an assessor for assessment centres or someone who trains or advises others who do this.

How long will this take?
It should take no longer than 10 mins to answer these questions.

Who will see my answers?
Participation is voluntary and the only people who will see the answers provided are members of the BPS Assessment Centre Working Group who developed this survey. For other groups, results will be amalgamated and presented in such a way that an individual’s response cannot be traced back to them.

How will my answers be used?
The data collected will be used to gauge whether there is interest in accreditation of Assessment Centre processes against the BPS standard. If the survey shows sufficient interest, the overall findings will be communicated and will be used in the development of accreditation solutions.

Who to contact for further information about the AC Market Research project:
If you have any questions about this project, or wish to offer any further comment about Assessment Centre accreditation, please email:

Thank you for taking the time to tell us what you think about Assessment Centre accreditation for your organisation.