i3P is an infrastructure industry organisation that works to identify and expand best practice across the industry for all disciplines and technical areas, including carbon reduction. It has been identified that significant challenges remain with implementing carbon reduction across a project life-cycle. To assist with addressing this i3P are working to prepare case studies of carbon management and reduction to enable the lay-person to understand:
  • what carbon reduction opportunities are
  • how to apply carbon management and reduction
  • how to overcome barriers and
  • inspire them to take this learning to their own programmes and projects
This survey is being carried out as the first step to identify and compile the case studies. It applies to programmes and projects of all sizes, across all stages from inception and carbon management strategy development, through to carrying out detailed infrastructure design, and construction of low carbon solutions. The survey results will be shared within i3P, and you will be asked later if you are happy to share your project information outside of i3P.
This survey consists of 4 pages covering:
  • Project Information
  • Carbon Reduction Initiatives
  • Carbon Management
  • Lessons Learned